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Apache Qpid JMS 0.9.0 發布

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2016-04-13 , reply:0

Apache Qpid JMS 0.9.0 發布了,Qpid JMS 是一個使用 Qpid Proton 協議引擎的 Java Message Service 客戶端。



  • QPIDJMS-150 - Scram SHA SASL support for authentication

  • QPIDJMS-151 - Update build settings to depend only on specific netty modules needed

  • QPIDJMS-152 - Reduce log noise from QueueBrowser on failed close of internal consumer

  • QPIDJMS-156 - Improve the logs output for some JMS resources

  • QPIDJMS-157 - Add support for send timeout and request timeout options

  • QPIDJMS-159 - support producers having their existing credit drained

  • QPIDJMS-161 - Update Proton to v0.12.1

  • QPIDJMS-162 - Update ActiveMQ dependency to 5.13.2

  • QPIDJMS-163 - support populating the user-id field on produced messages

  • QPIDJMS-166 - Revisit some of the TODOs in the code around error messages and exception types.

  • QPIDJMS-168 - Fix various issues reported by FindBugs

  • QPIDJMS-170 - Simplify the dispatching logic in the connection

Bugs 修復:

  • QPIDJMS-154 - Failover mechanism does not handle connection URLs in a predictable way

  • QPIDJMS-160 - The single non-daemon thread for the connection needs to be started on create.

  • QPIDJMS-169 - SASL Plain Mechanism should be enforcing UTF-8 encoding



[admin ]

Apache Qpid JMS 0.9.0 發布已經有1525次圍觀
