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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-26 , reply:0


(一)安裝dazuko 為實現實時監控
1 安裝以下文件sudo apt-get install module-assistant debhelper gcc-3.4 sun-java6-jre build-essential

2 由於dazuko和capability,apparmor衝突就乾脆在新立得里把apparmor包給卸了。

3 到 http://www.dazuko.org/downloads.shtml 下載最新的dazuko2.3.4壓縮包,解壓縮然後

./configure --without-dep
sudo make install

4 終端執行
sudo module-assistant prepare
sudo m-a a-i dazuko


5 capability這個模塊與dazuko有所衝突,所以我們必須設置dazuko

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/dazuko

install dazuko /sbin/modprobe -r capability;\
/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install dazuko; \
/sbin/modprobe --ignore-install capability

6 編輯module文件
sudo gedit /etc/modules

7 sudo rmmod capability
sudo modprobe dazuko
再用lsmod 查看commoncap的模塊,它的右邊used by dazuko,就說明dazuko已經開始工作了。

sudo m-a a-i dazuko

1 下載AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic for linux http://www.free-av.com/

2 進入解壓后的文件夾
sudo ./install

3 根據英文提示,一步步完成
Do you agree to the license terms? [n] y

然後會要你Enter the path to your key file:



Would you like to install the internet update daemon? [n] y

Would you like to create a link in /usr/sbin for avupdater ? [y] y

Would you like the internet update daemon to start automatically? [y] y

How should AvGuard be installed? [n] k <<<---注意這裡是選「K」

Would you like to create a link in /usr/sbin for avguard ? [y] y

Would you like AvGuard to start automatically? [y] y

Would you like to install the GUI (+ SMC support)? [y] y

Would you like to configure the AntiVir updater now? [y] y

Would you like email notification about updates? [n] 這裡根據個人喜好

What email address will receive notifications? [] 這裡也根據個人喜好

Would you like the updater to log to a custom file? [y] y

What will be the log file name with absolute path (it must begin with '/') ? [/var/log/avupdater.log]

How often should AntiVir check for updates? [2] 2

Does this machine use an HTTP proxy server? [n] n 有沒有用代理?

Save configuration settings? [y] y

Would you like to apply the new configuration? [y] y


4 注意:默認下,您和root都不能使用AntiVir。必須要在 系統>系統管理>用戶和組>管理組>antivir>屬性 中選上root和您的用戶名。

5 終端執行
sudo antivir-gui

打開紅傘的gui界面了 相比比windows下簡陋了許多

6 默認下,實時掃描只記錄又聞的檔案在 /var/log/avguard.log

在Gui(sudo antivir-gui)下,expertmode打勾
--search > (添加或排除需要掃描的路徑的路徑 默認 /home 是必需的。)
--Action > Repair 打勾(不打也行)
Move to directory > 自己創建一個文件夾如myGuard(即時掃描發現病毒就送來)
--Heuristic>MacrovirusHeuristic 打勾
--Heuristic>Detection level high
--Extended threat categoties > select all

[火星人 ] ubuntu下殺毒軟體Antivir小紅傘安裝方法已經有1489次圍觀
