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linux pptp client的撥號問題

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-04 , reply:0

linux pptp client的撥號問題

在linux下用pptp client,撥號成功,能正確拿到IP
shell> pon vvpn

May 20 11:02:18 ns pppd: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
May 20 11:02:18 ns pppd: Using interface ppp0
May 20 11:02:18 ns pppd: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/2
May 20 11:02:18 ns pptp: anon log: The synchronous pptp option is NOT activated
May 20 11:02:18 ns pptp: anon log: Sent control packet type is 1 'Start-Control-Connection-Request'
May 20 11:02:18 ns pptp: anon log: Received Start Control Connection Reply
May 20 11:02:18 ns pptp: anon log: Client connection established.
May 20 11:02:19 ns pptp: anon log: Sent control packet type is 7 'Outgoing-Call-Request'
May 20 11:02:19 ns pptp: anon log: Received Outgoing Call Reply.
May 20 11:02:19 ns pptp: anon log: Outgoing call established (call ID 0, peer's call ID 13440).
May 20 11:02:22 ns pppd: CHAP authentication succeeded
May 20 11:02:22 ns pppd: MPPE 128-bit stateless compression enabled
May 20 11:02:22 ns pppd: local  IP address
May 20 11:02:22 ns pppd: remote IP address 121.x.xx.xx  //<==linux pptp vpn server的IP
May 20 11:03:22 ns pptp: anon log: Echo Request received.
May 20 11:03:22 ns pptp: anon log: Sent control packet type is 6 'Echo-Reply'

接著看ifconfig ppp0的信息, TX狂漲,2分鐘內到1.3G... 汗,這個是不可能的,接著就自動斷掉了,message log如下:

May 20 11:04:22 ns pptp: anon log: closing control connection due to missing echo reply
May 20 11:04:22 ns pptp: anon log: Sent control packet type is 12 'Call-Clear-Request'
May 20 11:04:22 ns pptp: anon log: Closing PPTP connection
May 20 11:04:22 ns pptp: anon log: Sent control packet type is 3 'Stop-Control-Connection-Request'
May 20 11:04:22 ns pptp: anon log: Closing connection (call state)
May 20 11:04:22 ns pppd: Modem hangup
May 20 11:04:22 ns pppd: Connect time 2.0 minutes.
May 20 11:04:22 ns pppd: Sent 1369966821 bytes, received 0 bytes.
May 20 11:04:22 ns pppd: MPPE disabled
May 20 11:04:22 ns pppd: Connection terminated.
May 20 11:04:22 ns pppd: Exit.

pty "pptp 121.x.xx.xx --nolaunchpppd"
name shns
remotename pptpd
file /etc/ppp/options.pptp
ipparam connect


"ns"  pptpd   "123456" *


回復 #1 gracet3 的帖子

忘記說了,系統是 CentOS 5




回復 #4 jiangdaoyou 的帖子

沒有的,流量肯定是假的,問題是我應該怎麼解決,2個centos 5試過都是這個情況

回復 #3 dingning239 的帖子


回復 #6 gracet3 的帖子

vpn伺服器 從 windows撥過去是正常的,沒人遇到過這個問題嗎?暈


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