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求助,如何在zenoss 2.1里按IP地址添加設備

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-04 , reply:0

求助,如何在zenoss 2.1里按IP地址添加設備

求助,如何在zenoss 2.1里按IP地址添加設備

我們這裡180多台交換機,系統名字都一樣的,以前裝了zenoss,想把所有的設備都添加進來,不過zenoss 添加的設備是按交換機的系統名字多少device id 的,結果只能添加一台,我看了遍管理手冊沒看見怎麼修改如果添加(也可能沒看仔細)

有人用過zenoss 么,如果修改為按IP地址 添加



There are a couple of ways to handle this. The best way would be to get into these switches and set them to have unique names, then rediscover them in Zenos.

The second way to go would be to change the way that Zenoss tries to name discovered devices. You could modify the device creation code to ignore the SNMP sysName when trying to name the devices. To do this, you'll want to edit $ZENHOME/Products/ZenModel/Device.py. Find the manage_createDevice method and the following section:


        log.debug("device name = %s", snmpname)
        if not deviceName:

Insert a line between these two setting the snmpname to None. So it'll look like this:


        log.debug("device name = %s", snmpname)
        snmpname = None
        if not deviceName:

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