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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-04 , reply:0


報錯內容:Sep  7 18:03:04 rh1 ccsd:  Copyright (C) Red Hat, Inc.  2004  All rights reserved.
Sep  7 18:03:04 rh1 ccsd: cluster.conf (cluster name = test, version = 21) found.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: AIS Executive Service RELEASE 'subrev 1358 version 0.80.3'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Copyright (C) 2002-2006 MontaVista Software, Inc and contributors.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat, Inc.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: AIS Executive Service: started and ready to provide service.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Using default multicast address of
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_cpg loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais cluster closed process group service v1.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_cfg loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais configuration service'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_msg loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais message service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_lck loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais distributed locking service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_evt loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais event service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_ckpt loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais checkpoint service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_amf loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais availability management framework B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_clm loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais cluster membership service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_evs loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais extended virtual synchrony service'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: openais component openais_cman loaded.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Registering service handler 'openais CMAN membership service 2.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Token Timeout (10000 ms) retransmit timeout (495 ms)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: token hold (386 ms) retransmits before loss (20 retrans)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: join (60 ms) send_join (0 ms) consensus (4800 ms) merge (200 ms)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: downcheck (1000 ms) fail to recv const (50 msgs)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: seqno unchanged const (30 rotations) Maximum network MTU 1500
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: window size per rotation (50 messages) maximum messages per rotation (17 messages)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: send threads (0 threads)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: RRP token expired timeout (495 ms)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: RRP token problem counter (2000 ms)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: RRP threshold (10 problem count)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: RRP mode set to none.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: heartbeat_failures_allowed (0)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: max_network_delay (50 ms)
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: HeartBeat is Disabled. To enable set heartbeat_failures_allowed > 0
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Receive multicast socket recv buffer size (288000 bytes).
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Transmit multicast socket send buffer size (262142 bytes).
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: The network interface is now up.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Created or loaded sequence id for this ring.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: entering GATHER state from 15.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais extended virtual synchrony service'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais cluster membership service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais availability management framework B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais checkpoint service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais event service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais distributed locking service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais message service B.01.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais configuration service'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais cluster closed process group service v1.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Initialising service handler 'openais CMAN membership service 2.01'
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: CMAN 2.0.98 (built Dec  3 2008 16:32:34) started
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Not using a virtual synchrony filter.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Creating commit token because I am the rep.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Saving state aru 0 high seq received 0
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Storing new sequence id for ring 120
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: entering COMMIT state.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: entering RECOVERY state.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: position member
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: previous ring seq 284 rep
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: aru 0 high delivered 0 received flag 1
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Did not need to originate any messages in recovery.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Sending initial ORF token
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: CLM CONFIGURATION CHANGE
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: New Configuration:
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Members Left:
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Members Joined:
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: CLM CONFIGURATION CHANGE
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: New Configuration:
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais:       r(0) ip(  
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Members Left:
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: Members Joined:
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais:       r(0) ip(  
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: This node is within the primary component and will provide service.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: entering OPERATIONAL state.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: quorum regained, resuming activity
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 openais: got nodejoin message
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 ccsd: Cluster is not quorate.  Refusing connection.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 ccsd: Error while processing connect: Connection refused
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 ccsd: Cluster is not quorate.  Refusing connection.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 ccsd: Error while processing connect: Connection refused
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 ccsd: Cluster is not quorate.  Refusing connection.
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 ccsd: Error while processing connect: Connection refused
Sep  7 18:03:07 rh1 ccsd: Initial status:: Quorate
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: entering GATHER state from 11.
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Creating commit token because I am the rep.
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Saving state aru d high seq received d
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Storing new sequence id for ring 124
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: entering COMMIT state.
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: entering RECOVERY state.
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: position member
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: previous ring seq 288 rep
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: aru d high delivered d received flag 1
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: position member
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: previous ring seq 284 rep
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: aru a high delivered a received flag 1
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Did not need to originate any messages in recovery.
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Sending initial ORF token
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: CLM CONFIGURATION CHANGE
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: New Configuration:
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais:       r(0) ip(  
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Members Left:
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Members Joined:
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: CLM CONFIGURATION CHANGE
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: New Configuration:
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais:       r(0) ip(  
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais:       r(0) ip(  
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Members Left:
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: Members Joined:
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais:       r(0) ip(  
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: This node is within the primary component and will provide service.
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: entering OPERATIONAL state.
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: got nodejoin message
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: got nodejoin message
Sep  7 18:03:49 rh1 openais: got joinlist message from node 1
Sep  7 18:04:50 rh1 kernel: dlm: Using TCP for communications
Sep  7 18:04:50 rh1 kernel: dlm: connecting to 2
Sep  7 18:04:50 rh1 kernel: dlm: got connection from 2
Sep  7 18:04:51 rh1 clurgmgrd: Resource Group Manager Starting
Sep  7 18:04:52 rh1 clurgmgrd: Error storing oracledb: Duplicate
Sep  7 18:04:52 rh1 clurgmgrd: : script:oracle: stop of /home/oracle/oracled failed (returned 1)
Sep  7 18:04:52 rh1 clurgmgrd: stop on script "oracle" returned 1 (generic error)






[火星人 ] RHCS配置oracle出現的問題。請高手幫忙看看。。。已經有716次圍觀
