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SuSe 10.3安裝顯卡驅動

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-29 , reply:0


筆記本安裝SUSE10.3,顯卡為N卡Nvidia GeForce Go 7300,翻了一周的論壇,能用上的文章不多,有的過程複雜,不知道哪一步錯了就玩完,其實有簡單的方法,到最後終於找到了。

如下,在SuSe主頁上有安裝方法http://www.suse.de/~sndirsch/nvidia-installer-HOWTO.html找到64位系統的安裝步驟openSUSE 10.3 -AMD64,按提示完成安裝

2. openSUSE 10.3-AMD64
It is recommended to use YaST for installation of the NVIDIA
driver. There are several reasons for this. First, it's
simple. Second, and this is the most important one, you won't need to
recompile the nvidia kernel module after a kernel update.

Update your Kernel via YOU (YaST Online Update). Use

YaST -> Software -> Installation Source -> Add

Protocol: HTTP
Server Name: : download.nvidia.com
Directory on Server: /opensuse/10.3

to add the NVIDIA ftp server as additional installation source.
Now use

YaST -> Software -> Software Management

to install the NVIDIA driver. Select the following packages:


1-Click-install: http://opensuse-community.org/nvidia.ymp


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