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lighttpd 1.4.25發布

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-29 , reply:0


lighttpd(發音為lighty)是一套開放源代碼的網頁伺服器,以BSD許可證放出.相較於其他的網頁伺服器,lighttpd僅需少量的 內存及CPU資源即可達到同樣的效能.

# 提供 FastCGI 及 SCGI 的負載平衡
# 支持 chroot
# 支持 select()/poll() 及更有效率的 kqueue/epoll 連線狀態判斷 # 支持條件重寫(Conditional rewrites)
# 支持SSL連線
# 透過LDAP server認證
# rrdtool狀態輸出
# Rule-based downloading
# Server-side includes support
# Virtual hosting
# Modules support
# Cache Meta Language
# Minimal WebDAV support
# Servlet (AJP) support(1.5.x 版后)

SHA256: 0e71cd677a2282fff0ee0248a0e70a593a75e06f8a26411ca5314d0c01debbc3
SHA1: 53537f0b1da35e9974e278adc7e959bb77e8dd75
MD5: 87e936ec272ddaba8a2fdfecd8c6b704
SHA256: 7e803089f18b179097cb33b64b37d8a3b537ce9c196c88e3fb09881b471c88ce
SHA1: bc4592930292ae8d0990a94a584f49fe8f52445b
MD5: 2027c49fb46530e45338c5e2da13c02f

Changes from 1.4.24 mod_magnet: fix pairs() for normal tables and strings (fixes #1307)
mod_magnet: add traceback for printing lua errors
mod_rewrite: fix compile error if compiled without pcre
disable warning 「CLOSE-read」 (fixes #2091)
mod_rrdtool: fix creating file if it doesn』t exist (#1788)
reset tlsext_server_name in connection_reset ? fixes random hostnames in the $HTTP[「host」] conditional
export some SSL_CLIENT_* vars for client cert validation (fixes #1288, thx presbrey)
mod_fastcgi: fix mod_fastcgi packet parsing
mod_fastcgi: Don』t reconnect after connect() succeeded (fixes #2096)
Fix configure.ac to allow autoreconf, also enables make V=0

[火星人 ] lighttpd 1.4.25發布已經有363次圍觀
