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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-09 , reply:0

  前面說過, 從硬碟安裝很簡單. 底下我就是過程實際示範出來.
   至於以下我們選擇 1 或選擇與 4 其實是一樣的, 不同的是,
  選項 4可以配合我們事先手工掛上來的目錄, 而不論來源是硬碟ⅱ
  NFS 或 CD-ROM drive. 以底下 < 畫面 4-42 > 的操作來說, 我們
  先要哪一個硬碟分割區, 之後再決定目錄的路徑以及檔案屬性等等
  << 畫面 4-41 >>
   __________________ SOURCE MEDIA SELECTION ____________________?
   ? ?
   ? Where do you plan to install Slackware Linux from? ?
   ? ?
   ? ___________________________________________________________ ?
   ?? 1 Install from a hard drive partition ??
   ?? 2 Install from floppy disks ??
   ?? 3 Install via NFS ??
   ?? 4 Install from a pre-mounted directory ??
   ?? 5 Install from CD-ROM ??
   ? ___________________________________________________________ ?
   ? < OK > ?
   選擇選項 1 硬碟安裝後, 我們進一步要指定分割區所在. 下面
  畫面中, 由於我 Slackware Linux 軟體放在第一個硬碟的第一個分割
  區, 我回答 /dev/hda1. 假如您不清楚哪一個分割區, 可以光按
   鍵, 這可以瀏覽您硬碟內所有的分割區.
  << 畫面 4-42 >>
   ____________________ INSTALLING FROM HARD DISK _____________________
   ? ?
   ? In order to install directly from the hard disk you must ?
   ? have a partition with a directory containing the Slackware ?
   ? distribution such that each disk other than the boot disk ?
   ? is contained in a subdirectory. For example, if the ?
   ? distribution is in /stuff/slack, then you have to have ?
   ? directories named /stuff/slack/a1, /stuff/slack/a2, and so ?
   ? on each containing the files that would be on that disk. ?
   ? You may install from DOS, HPFS, or Linux partitions. ?
   ? Please enter the partition where the Slackware sources can ?
   ? be found, or [enter] to see a partition list: ?

   ? ?
   ? ________________________________________________________________??
   ??dev/hda1 ??
   ? ________________________________________________________________??
   ? ?
   ? < OK > ?
   接下來畫面我們要回答路徑所在, 這裡我回答 /slakware, 這路
  徑實際上是 C:SLAKWARE.
  << 畫面 4-43 >>
   __________________ SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY ___________________
   ? ?
   ? Now we need to know what directory on this partition ?
   ? the Slackware sources can be found in. (The directory ?
   ? in which the subdirectories for each disk is found) ?
   ? NOTE: You must give the directory name relative to the ?
   ? top of the partition. So, for example, if you're going ?
   ? to mount this partition under /usr, don't include the ?
   ? '/usr'at the beginning of the pathname. ?
   ? ?
   ? What directory are the Slackware sources in? ?
   ? ?
   ? ___________________________________________________________ ?
   ??slakware ??
   ? ___________________________________________________________ ?
   ? ?
   ? < OK > ?
   接下來還要指定檔案屬性, 由於是 DOS C: 磁碟, 我選 1 .
  << 畫面 4-44 >>
   __________________ SELECT FILESYSTEM TYPE ____________________?
   ? What type of filesystem does your Slackware source ?
   ? partition contain? ?
   ? ___________________________________________________________ ?
   ?? 1 FAT (MS-DOS, DR-DOS, OS/2) ??
   ?? 2 Linux Second Extended Filesystem ??

   ?? 3 Linux Xiafs ??
   ?? 4 Linux MINIX ??
   ?? 5 OS/2 HPFS ??
   ? ___________________________________________________________ ?
   ? < OK > ?

[火星人 ] 如何在硬碟建置Linux系統之硬碟安裝法已經有624次圍觀
