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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-12 , reply:0

從Rob Pike 的 Google+上的一個推看到了一篇叫《Understanding Object Oriented Programming》的文章,我先把這篇文章簡述一下,然後再說說老牌黑客Rob Pike的評論。


 這個把下面這段代碼描述成是Hacker Solution。(這幫人覺得下面這叫黑客?我估計這幫人真是沒看過C語言的代碼) 

  public class PrintOS  


public static void main(final String[] args) { String osName = System.getProperty("os.name") ; if (osName.equals("SunOS") || osName.equals("Linux")) { System.out.println("This is a UNIX box and therefore good.") ; } else if (osName.equals("Windows NT") || osName.equals("Windows 95")) { System.out.println("This is a Windows box and therefore bad.") ; } else { System.out.println("This is not a box.") ; } } }




  public class PrintOS  


private static String unixBox() { return "This is a UNIX box and therefore good." ; } private static String windowsBox() { return "This is a Windows box and therefore bad." ; } private static String defaultBox() { return "This is not a box." ; } private static String getTheString(final String osName) { if (osName.equals("SunOS") || osName.equals("Linux")) { return unixBox() ; } else if (osName.equals("Windows NT") ||osName.equals("Windows 95")) { return windowsBox() ; } else { return defaultBox() ; } } public static void main(final String[] args) { System.out.println(getTheString(System.getProperty("os.name"))) ; }





public class PrintOS

{ public static void main(final String[] args) { System.out.println(OSDiscriminator.getBoxSpecifier().getStatement()) ; }


public class OSDiscriminator // Factory Pattern


private static BoxSpecifier theBoxSpecifier = null ;

public static BoxSpecifier getBoxSpecifier()


if (theBoxSpecifier == null)


     String osName = System.getProperty("os.name") ;

     if (osName.equals("SunOS") || osName.equals("Linux"))


         theBoxSpecifier = new UNIXBox() ;


     else if (osName.equals("Windows NT") || osName.equals("Windows 95"))


         theBoxSpecifier = new WindowsBox() ;




         theBoxSpecifier = new DefaultBox () ;



return theBoxSpecifier ;



public interface BoxSpecifier { String getStatement() ;



public class DefaultBox implements BoxSpecifier

{ public String getStatement() { return "This is not a box." ; }



public class UNIXBox implements BoxSpecifier { public String getStatement() { return "This is a UNIX box and therefore good." ; }



public class WindowsBox implements BoxSpecifier { public String getStatement() { return "This is a Windows box and therefore bad." ; }


他們覺得上面這段代碼沒有消除if語句,他們說這叫代碼的“logic bottleneck”(邏輯瓶頸),因為如果你要增加一個操作系統的判斷的話,你不但要加個類,還要改那段if-else的語句。



注意其中的Design Pattern


public class PrintOS { public static void main(final String[] args) { System.out.println(OSDiscriminator.getBoxSpecifier().getStatement()) ; } }


public class OSDiscriminator // Factory Pattern { private static java.util.HashMap storage = new java.util.HashMap() ;

public static BoxSpecifier getBoxSpecifier()

{ BoxSpecifier value = (BoxSpecifier)storage.get(System.getProperty("os.name")) ; if (value == null) return DefaultBox.value ; return value ; } public static void register(final String key, final BoxSpecifier value) { storage.put(key, value) ; // Should guard against null keys, actually. } static { WindowsBox.register() ; UNIXBox.register() ; MacBox.register() ; } }


public interface BoxSpecifier { String getStatement() ; }


public class DefaultBox implements BoxSpecifier // Singleton Pattern { public static final DefaultBox value = new DefaultBox () ; private DefaultBox() { } public String getStatement() { return "This is not a box." ; } }


public class UNIXBox implements BoxSpecifier // Singleton Pattern { public static final UNIXBox value = new UNIXBox() ; private UNIXBox() { } public String getStatement() { return "This is a UNIX box and therefore good." ; } public static final void register() { OSDiscriminator.register("SunOS", value) ; OSDiscriminator.register("Linux", value) ; } }


public class WindowsBox implements BoxSpecifier // Singleton Pattern { public static final WindowsBox value = new WindowsBox() ; private WindowsBox() { } public String getStatement() { return "This is a Windows box and therefore bad." ; } public static final void register() { OSDiscriminator.register("Windows NT", value) ; OSDiscriminator.register("Windows 95", value) ; } }


public class MacBox implements BoxSpecifier // Singleton Pattern { public static final MacBox value = new MacBox() ; private MacBox() { } public String getStatement() { return "This is a Macintosh box and therefore far superior." ; } public static final void register() { OSDiscriminator.register("Mac OS", value) ; } } 

作者還非常的意地說,他加了一個“Mac OS”的東西。老實說,當我看到最後這段OO大師搞出來的代碼,我快要吐了。我瞬間想到了兩件事:一個是以前酷殼上的《面向對象是個騙局》和 《各種流行的編程方式》中說的“設計模式驅動編程”,另一個我想到了那些被敏捷洗過腦的程序員和諮詢師,也是這種德行。 

於是我去看了一下第一作者Joseph Bergin的主頁,這個Ph.D是果然剛剛完成了一本關於敏捷和模式的書。 

Rob Pike的評論 

(Rob Pike是當年在Bell lab里和Ken一起搞Unix的主兒,後來和Ken開發了UTF-8,現在還和Ken一起搞Go語言。註:不要以為Ken和Dennis是基友,其實他們才是真正的老基友!) 

Rob Pike在他的Google+的這貼里評論到這篇文章—— 


他說,這個程序根本就不需要什麼Object,只需要一張小小的配置表格,裡面配置了對應的操作系統和你想輸出的文本。這不就完了。這麼簡單的設計,非常容易地擴展,他們那個所謂的Hack Solution完全就是笨拙的代碼。後面那些所謂的代碼進化相當瘋狂和愚蠢的,這個完全誤導了對編程的認知。 



Sometimes data is just data and functions are just functions.  


 我覺得,這篇文章的例子舉得太差了,差得感覺就像是OO的高級黑。面向對象編程注重的是:1)數據和其行為的打包封裝,2)程序的介面和實現的解耦。你那怕,舉一個多個開關和多個電器的例子,不然就像STL中,一個排序演算法對多個不同容器的例子,都比這個例子要好得多得多。老實說,Java SDK里太多這樣的東西了。 




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