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svn checkout 報錯Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server


   環境  apache +  subversion + ssh   

   現在,需要checkout 一個大的庫,  報錯:  Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server   ,每次報錯,都 在,2分59秒左右。

    在網上找了好久,沒有找到解決方法。  根據別人的經驗,,增大  http.conf 文件里的   timeout  的值,,但是我修改了還是不行。。不知道群里是否有


回復 1# 城市流浪人

    搞定了@  他娘的搞好幾天!

"Secure connection truncated" error - Apache crash
So someone smarter than I did more digging after I collapsed from exhaustion. It turns out that there was a memory leak; it was coming from the DAV module. Adding the following to the DAV config lines in the vhost config seems to have fixed it:

SVNPathAuthz off

...which, AFAICT, tells the system not to reauthenticate for every subpath of the repo during large tree checkins, and hence mitigates the memory leak. I hope this helps somebody avoid the annoyance I went through.

問題又來了, 如果  SVNPathAuthz off  ,checkout 不會報錯,但是,目錄的許可權都沒有了。只要Client端checkout 就會,把整個庫,都checkou出來了。 如 果 將 SVNPathAuthz on的話。。checkout 就報錯,
哎,不知道有那位兄才,遇到過類似的問是。。。  有解決辦法嗎?

[火星人 ] svn checkout 報錯Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server已經有829次圍觀
