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SOS! Postfix+Cyrus郵件伺服器,只能發信不能收信,內部用戶互發信息都收不到


Apr  1 10:45:41 mail postfix/pickup: 9591018F3D3: uid=0 from=<root>
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail postfix/cleanup: 9591018F3D3: message-id=<20100401024541.9591018F3D3@mail.bx1g.com>
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail postfix/qmgr: 9591018F3D3: from=<root@bx1g.com>, size=313, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail lmtpunix: accepted connection
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail master: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/lmtpd
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail lmtpunix: lmtp connection preauth'd as postman
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail lmtpunix: verify_user(user.wuhui) failed: Mailbox does not exist
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail lmtpunix: executed
Apr  1 10:45:41 mail postfix/lmtp: 9591018F3D3: to=<wuhui@bx1g.com>, orig_to=<wuhui>, relay=mail.bx1g.com, delay=0.11, delays=0.03/0.01/0.03/0.04, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (host mail.bx1g.com said: 550-Mailbox unknown.  Either there is no mailbox associated with this 550-name or you do not have authorization to see it. 550 5.1.1 User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command))
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/smtp: 9591018F3D3: to=<greenery_67@126.com>, relay=mxnew-b.126.com:25, delay=0.79, delays=0.03/0.02/0.52/0.22, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Mail OK queued as mx17,xcmowLD7L_F9B7RLQGlsAQ--.22S2 1270089598)
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/cleanup: 5EBC018F3D9: message-id=<20100401024542.5EBC018F3D9@mail.bx1g.com>
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/bounce: 9591018F3D3: sender non-delivery notification: 5EBC018F3D9
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/qmgr: 5EBC018F3D9: from=<>, size=2397, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/qmgr: 9591018F3D3: removed
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/cleanup: 6005C18F3C6: message-id=<20100401024542.5EBC018F3D9@mail.bx1g.com>
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/qmgr: 6005C18F3C6: from=<>, size=2520, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/local: 5EBC018F3D9: to=<root@bx1g.com>, relay=local, delay=0.01, delays=0/0/0/0, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (forwarded as 6005C18F3C6)
Apr  1 10:45:42 mail postfix/qmgr: 5EBC018F3D9: removed
Apr  1 10:45:43 mail postfix/smtp: 6005C18F3C6: to=<greenery_67@126.com>, orig_to=<root@bx1g.com>, relay=mxnew-b.126.com:25, delay=0.99, delays=0/0/0.1/0.88, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 Mail OK queued as mx14,wsmowLDbXvF+B7RLy11sAQ--.107S2 1270089598)
Apr  1 10:45:43 mail postfix/qmgr: 6005C18F3C6: removed


應該不是許可權問題,是郵件箱文件不存在,從google搜「verify_user  failed: Mailbox does not exist「發現很多這個情況,但因為全英文而看不懂,找不到問題所在 和 解決辦法:oops:

[火星人 ] SOS! Postfix+Cyrus郵件伺服器,只能發信不能收信,內部用戶互發信息都收不到已經有930次圍觀
