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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-05 , reply:0


安裝了相應的插件,在squirrelmail的選項里也有change password的選項了,但是點擊以後沒有結果出現,既不報錯也無提示,就是一個白色頁面,有沒有設置成功的同志,幫忙看看應該如何解決?

Now, I'm going to cover the addition of 1 Squirrelmail plugin. Keep in mind, there are tons of other plugins available. We're going to install the "change_pass" plugin which will allow our mail users to change their passwords from the Squirrelmail interface.
So here goes...

cd /path/to/squirrelmail_directory/plugins (example: cd /var/www/webmail/plugins)

Download the module...

wget http://squirrelmail.org/countdl.php?fileurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.squirrelmail.org%2Fplugins%2Fchange_pass-2.7-1.4.x.tar.gz

Unpack the module...

tar zxvf change_pass-2.7-1.4.x.tar.gz

Remove the tarball of the module...

rm -rf change_pass-2.7-1.4.x.tar.gz

Now let's go and add the module into Squirrelmail...

cd /path/to/squirrelmail_directory/config

Run the Squirrelmail configuration tool...


Choose the option for "plugins". On my version of Squirrelmail, this was option 8. Once you are in the modules menu you should see the "change_pass" module on the list of available, but inactive, modules. You can add the "change_pass" module by simply typing the number associated with the module and then hitting enter. Once the module appears on the active module list, go ahead and save the configuration changes and then exit out of the configuration tool.

Alright! You should be all set now. All that's left to do log into Squirrelmail and try out the password change tool!

That's it for Squirrelmail. Now let's move on to the next step.

發表於: 2006-7-9 21:29      [編輯]  [引用]  [投訴] [快速回復]  



squirrelmail 1.4.7
Compatibility plugin 2.0.4

出錯:Fatal error:call to undefined functions: load_config() in /change_sqlpass/functions.php on line 326
on line 167
分別註釋//掉這兩行。可以正常登錄。可是點更改密碼,就出錯,出錯內容與上面的差不多,依次註釋,再點更改密碼 ,出現
Could not find Pear DB library

Installing Change Passwd Plugin

1) Start with untaring the file into the plugins directory.
   Here is a example for the 3.1 version of the change_passwd

  $ cd plugins
  $ tar -zxvf change_passwd-3.1-1.2.8.tar.gz

2) Change into the change_passwd directory, copy config.php.sample
   to config.php and edit config.php, making adjustments as
   you deem necessary.  

  $ cd change_passwd
  $ cp config.php.sample config.php
  $ vi config.php

3) Make sure the file permissions on the chpasswd file are
   correct (unless you'll be using the 'pw' utility on
   FreeBSD).  Substitue the name of the user that your web
   server runs under for "apache" in the command below:

  $ chown root:apache chpasswd
  $ chmod 4750 chpasswd

4) If you are running this under Solaris on a Sparc machine, you
   probably need to recompile the chpasswd.c file:

  $ gcc -lcrypt -O -o chpasswd chpasswd.c

5) Then go to your config directory and run conf.pl.  Choose
   option 8 and move the plugin from the "Available Plugins"
   category to the "Installed Plugins" category.  Save and exit.

  $ cd ../../config/
  $ ./conf.pl

6) Also, please verify that you have the "compatibility" plugin


global $confirmPass, $oldPass, $seeOutput, $pathToChpasswd,
       $pathToPw, $debug, $minimumPasswordLength;

// Set this to the minimum length of passwords you want
// to enforce.  Set to zero to disable this check
$minimumPasswordLength = 8;

// Set this to 1 if you want the user to have to enter
// their new password twice.  Set to zero otherwise,
// but why would you do that?
$confirmNewPass = 1;

// Set this to 1 to require the user to enter thier current
// password in order to change it (FreeBSD ('pw' utility)
// users typically set this to zero; others can (and should!)
// leave this as is.
$confirmOldPass = 1;
//$confirmOldPass = 0;

// Please include the full path (not relative) to the chpasswd program
// ONLY if you are NOT using the one included with this plugin!
$overridePathToChpasswd = '';

// Use this setting only if you want to use the pw program to change
// your password (available on e.g. FreeBSD).  Include full path
// (not relative) to the pw program.  This will override the chpasswd
// program, so leave it empty if you are using chpasswd.
$pathToPw = '';

// If you want see the output of the chpasswd program (usually
// only useful for debugging purposes, set this to 1
$seeOutput = 0;

// For debugging only, set this variable to 1.  WARNING: this will
// echo any password information you enter in clear text!  Please
// use this setting with care!
$debug = 0;


squirrelmail + change_passwd 問題


在config.php把debug打開,看看是否是PEAR DB的問題?

[火星人 ] 如何通過squirrelmail的插件修改mysql中的郵件用戶密碼。已經有787次圍觀
