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redhat kvm 在物理機上怎麼通過命令行來啟動或停止或。。。。。

redhat kvm 在物理機上怎麼通過命令行來啟動或停止或重啟物理機虛擬機也會自動重啟,而不是直接斷電那種關閉????


root@lab auto]# ln -s /etc/xen/rhel54 /etc/xen/auto/rhel54
# ls -l
總計 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 4月 15 23:12 rhel54 -> /etc/xen/rhel54
# pwd
# 手工啟動 rhel54 的設定檔案
# /etc/init.d/xendomains restart
Shutting down Xen domains:Restoring Xen domains: rhel54.
Starting auto Xen domains: rhel54(skip)#
# 預設開機啟動 xendomains 服務
# chkconfig xendomains on


28.1. Automtically starting guests
This section covers how to make virtualized guests start automatically during the host system's boot phase.
This example uses virsh to set a guest, TestServer, to automatically start when the host boots.
# virsh autostart TestServer
Domain TestServer marked as autostarted
The guest now automatically starts with the host.
To stop a guest automatically booting use the --disable parameter
# virsh autostart --disable TestServer
Domain TestServer unmarked as autostarted
The guest no longer automatically starts with the host.

[火星人 ] redhat kvm 在物理機上怎麼通過命令行來啟動或停止或。。。。。已經有175次圍觀
