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Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.3 發布

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2015-09-14 , reply:0

Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.3 發布,此版本主要改進如下:

  • Added a cancel button to the connecting progress dialog

  • Moved the acquiring local address, binding, and acquiring server address functions to their own thread

  • Added a progress / cancel dialog for this thread

  • Added detection of system logout / shutdown signals to close the application, destroy temporary files, and flush the trace file.

下載:WhyCantIConnect_1_11_3_Install.exe (22.5 MB)

"Why Can't I Connect?" 是一個 TCP/IP 連接錯誤診斷工具。支持常用的網路協議診斷。

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