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Phoenix 1.0.3 發布,Elixir 的 Web 開發框架

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2015-09-29 , reply:0

Phoenix 1.0.3 發布,此版本更新內容如下:

  • 功能增強

    • [Controller] Transform FunctionClauseError's from controller actions into ActionClauseError, and send 400 response

    • [Router] Allow plugs to be passed to pipe_through

    • [Channel] WebSocket transport now sends server heartbeats and shutdowns if client heartbeats stop. Fixes timeout issues when clients keep connection open, but hang with suspended js runtimes

  • JavaScript 客戶端廢棄特性

    • Passing params to socket.connect() has been deprecated in favor of the :params option of the Socket constructor


Phoenix 是函數式編程語言 Elixir 的 Web 開發框架。要求 Elixir v1.0.2+

[admin ]

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