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Apache HTTP Server 2.4 發布

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-22 , reply:0

六年以來的首次,Apache 基金會發布了非常成功的Apache HTTP 服務引擎的新版本。「我們帶著巨大的喜悅,向世人宣布Apache HTTP Server 2.4 的到來」,Apache HTTP Server 項目副主席Eric Covener說,「這一發行帶來了貫穿該服務引擎的一系列的演化改進,我們的用戶、管理員以及開發者都將發現驚喜。我們在該發行中增加了許多新的模塊,並拓展了現有特性的性能和適應性。」
Apache HTTP Server 2.4 released
posted by Thom Holwerda on Tue 21st Feb 2012 22:44 UTC
For the first time in six years, the Apache Foundation has released a new version of the successful Apache HTTP Server. "It is with great pleasure that we announce the availability of Apache HTTP Server 2.4", said Eric Covener, vice president of the Apache HTTP Server project, "This release delivers a host of evolutionary enhancements throughout the server that our users, administrators, and developers will welcome. We've added many new modules in this release, as well as broadened the capability and flexibility of existing features."

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