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Google 向 Linux下的 Gmail 提供電話服務

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-22 , reply:0

Google向Linux Gmail 提供電話服務

Five days after the announcement of Voice and Video Chat service in Gmail for Debian-based Linux distributions, Google unveiled a Gmail phone call service for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
基於Debian的Linux發行下的Gmail中增添了音視頻服務的消息發布五天之後,Google公開了對Windows, Mac, 和 Linux提供的電話服務。

Rather than having both parties tied to their computers and logged into their Gmail accounts, one user can now call anyone in the US and Canada with telephone service. Google states that rates will remain free for the rest of the year and very low for international calls.

Google continues by saying that dialing from Gmail is just like using your phone. Just click "Call phone" in your chat list and dial the number on the number pad that appears. One could even use a contact name if there is a phone number associated with it. The browser plug-in has been tested extensively internally by Google and found to be quite useful. While Google Voice isn't required, it will provide certain benefits such as Caller ID and the ability to receive phone calls from inside Gmail.
Google表示,從Gmail拔號和使用你的電話一樣。只需在聯繫人列表點擊“打電話”,在出現的拔號面板拔號就行了。如果已將聯繫人名和號 碼綁定,還可以直接輸入聯繫人名。瀏覽器插件已經在Google內部被廣泛測試過,非常好用。儘管Google Voice並不必需,有了它仍能有一些好處,如聯繫人ID和從Gmail內部接電話的用途。

http://www.linuxjournal.com/cont ... lls-linux-gmail-use

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