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closed keepalive connection

@火星人 ,    點閱數:3056

nginx-stable-1.0.5-1版,debug日誌經常出現這個,各位有什麼好辦法 2011/08/25 18:33:13 27662#0: *95597008 client (104: Conne...

關於connection closed by foreign host的問題

@火星人 ,    點閱數:959

我安裝了postfix伺服器,查看埠配置25號埠和110埠都是開著的, 我telnet自己的埠時卻總是提示connection closed by foreign host, 請問是什麼原因啊,急,請各位指教,如需其他條件,必回復,在線...

svn checkout 報錯Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server

@火星人 ,    點閱數:829

求高手! 環境apache +subversion + ssh 現在,需要checkout 一個大的庫,報錯:Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by serv...

qmail-remote 缺陷造成but_connection_died的補丁

@火星人 ,    點閱數:412

最近發現 qmail 發送日誌中存在大量的如下的日誌記錄: delivery 10277: deferral: Connected_to_xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/ ...

求助,squid的cache.log里存在大量的WARNING: Closing client connection due to life

@火星人 ,    點閱數:321

求助,squid的cache.log里存在大量的 WARNING: Closing client connection due to lifetime timeout 系統是用iptables+squid上網的,串接在公司出口,只代...