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Create livecd for fedora core 8

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-25 , reply:0

fedora core 8 的livecd-creator命令:
[root@localhost ~]# livecd-creator --help
Usage: livecd-creator [options]

-h, --help show this help message and exit

Image options:
These options define the created image.

-c KSCFG, --config=KSCFG
Path to kickstart config file
-b BASE_ON, --base-on=BASE_ON
Add packages to an existing live CD iso9660 image.
-f FS_LABEL, --fslabel=FS_LABEL
File system label (default based on config name)

System directory options:
These options define directories used on your system for creating the
live image

-t TMPDIR, --tmpdir=TMPDIR
Temporary directory to use (default: /var/tmp)
--cache=CACHEDIR Cache directory to use (default: private cache

fedora core 6的livecd-creator命令:
[root@localhost ~]# livecd-creator --help

usage: livecd-creator [--help]
[--repo=, ...] [--repo=,]
--package= [--package= ...]
[--exclude-package=] --exclude-package= ...]

[火星人 ] Create livecd for fedora core 8已經有456次圍觀
