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網關係統Untangle Gateway 6.2.0

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-12 , reply:0

        Untangle Gateway是基於KNOPPIX的網關係統,它帶有可插拔的模塊以支持各種網路應用,這包括垃圾郵件阻擋、網頁過濾、反病毒、反間諜軟體、入侵阻止、虛擬專用網、SSL虛擬專用網、防火牆等等。

        Andrew Fife has announced the release of Untangle Gateway 6.2.0, a specialist, Debian-based distribution for firewalls and routers: "We are pleased to announce that Untangle Gateway 6.2 is now available for download. Highlights of the release are our new multiWAN services: WAN Balancer and WAN Failover. Also included in this release is Ad Blocker, for filtering out banner advertisements. WAN Balancer allows companies to easily split traffic across up to six separate Internet connections. The traffic is spread based on user-specified weightings, ensuring less contention and higher performance. WAN Failover allows companies to prevent network downtime caused by their Internet Service Provider (ISP)." Read the rest of the release announcement for further information. Download: untangle_620.iso (474MB, MD5).(責任編輯:A6)

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