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詳解mybatis collection標籤一對多的使用

←手機掃碼閱讀     e36605 @ 2020-06-17 , reply:0

查詢, 結果集為AssociatedInfo:

  SELECT      r.requisition_number AS business_code,      r.id AS header_id,      r.document_type_id AS reportTypeId,      r.applicant_id as employeeId      FROM      fec_expense.exp_report_payment_schedule b,fec_expense.exp_report_header r      WHERE      b.exp_report_header_id=r.id and r.`status`=1004      and      b.frozen_flag ="Y"      and r.applicant_id=#{applicationId}AND r.requisition_number LIKE concat(        '%',        concat(#{reportNumber,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, '%'))AND r.document_type_id = #{documentTypeId}        AND r.document_type_id IN#{formId}AND (      b.amount - ( SELECT      COALESCE(sum( c.write_off_amount ), 0) AS write_off_amount      FROM      csh_write_off c      WHERE      c.document_header_id = b.exp_report_header_id      AND c.document_line_id = b.id      AND ( c.STATUS = 'Y' OR ( c.STATUS = 'P' AND c.operation_type = 'WRITE_OFF' ) )      ) - (      SELECT      COALESCE(sum( a.amount ), 0) AS commit_amount      FROM      csh_data_relation_acp a      WHERE      a.report_head_id = b.exp_report_header_id      AND a.report_line_id = b.id      AND a.document_type = 'ACP_REQUISITION'      ) > 0      )      GROUP BY      r.requisition_number,      b.exp_report_header_id,      r.document_type_id,      b.applicant_id      ORDER BY      r.requisition_number


結果集 AssociatedInfo: 使用collection 實現1對多的場景, CashDataPublicReportHeaderDTO實體裡包含一個行的集合Listlines: 

  SELECT  	temp.id scheduleLineId,  	"" AS cshTransactionId,  	temp.amount,  	temp.associated_amount associatedAmount,  	(  	temp.amount - temp.associated_amount - (  SELECT COALESCE  	( sum( c.write_off_amount ), 0 ) AS write_off_amount  FROM  	csh_write_off c  WHERE  	c.document_header_id = temp.exp_report_header_id  	AND c.document_line_id = temp.id  	AND c.document_type = "PUBLIC_REPORT"  	AND ( c.STATUS = 'Y' OR ( c.STATUS = 'P' AND c.operation_type = 'WRITE_OFF' ) )  	)  	) AS availableAmount,  	temp.exp_report_header_id expReportHeaderId,  	0 AS scheduleLineNumber,  	temp.company_id companyId,  	temp.currency_code currency,  	temp.description description,  	temp.exchange_rate exchangeRate,  	temp.payment_schedule_date schedulePaymentDate,  	temp.payment_method paymentMethod,  	temp.payment_type,  	temp.prop_flag prop_flag,  	temp.csh_transaction_class_id cshTransactionClassId,  	( SELECT ctc.description FROM csh_transaction_class ctc WHERE ctc.id = temp.csh_transaction_class_id ) AS cshTransactionClassName,  	temp.cash_flow_item_id cashFlowItemId,  	temp.payee_category payeeCategory,  	temp.payee_id payeeId,  	temp.account_number accountNumber,  	temp.account_name accountName,  	temp.bank_code bankCode,  	temp.bank_name bankName,  	temp.bank_code bankLocationCode,  	temp.bank_name bankLocationName,  	"" provinceCode,  	"" provinceName,  	""cityCode,  	"" cityName,  	 (select c.type_code from csh_transaction_class c where c.id=temp.csh_transaction_class_id ) cshTransactionTypeCode,  	""contractHeaderId  FROM  	(  SELECT    b.*,  	(  SELECT COALESCE  	( sum( a.amount ), 0 ) AS associated_amount  FROM  	csh_data_relation_acp a  WHERE  	a.report_head_id = b.exp_report_header_id  	AND a.report_line_id = b.id  	AND a.document_type = 'ACP_REQUISITION'  	) AS associated_amount  FROM  	fec_expense.exp_report_payment_schedule b ,fec_expense.exp_report_header r  WHERE  	b.frozen_flag = "Y"  	and b.exp_report_header_id=r.id  	AND b.exp_report_header_id = #{headerId}  	) temp


包含列表的實體類 CashDataPublicReportHeaderDTO :

  package com.hand.hcf.app.payment.web.dto;     import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;  import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.ToStringSerializer;  import lombok.Data;     import java.time.ZonedDateTime;  import java.util.List;     @Data  public class CashDataPublicReportHeaderDTO {       @JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class)    private Long reportHeadId;//報賬單頭ID       private String reportNumber;//報賬單編號       private String reportTypeName;//報賬單型別    @JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class)    private Long reportTypeId;// 報賬單型別ID       private ListlineList;//報賬單計劃付款行       @JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class)    private Long employeeId;//員工ID    private String employeeName;//員工名稱       private ZonedDateTime requisitionDate; // 申請日期  }


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