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Postfix 配置DKIMproxy 關於DNS記錄一個小疑問請指點

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-04 , reply:0

Postfix 配置DKIMproxy 關於DNS記錄一個小疑問請指點

OS:Centos5.6 X64
Software: postfix

有個關於把pub key加入到DNS里的兩句話不太理解,請做過類似配置或者英語好的高手幫忙指點一二。

「Pick a selector name... e.g. selector1
Put the public-key data in DNS, in your domain, using the selector name you picked. Take the contents of the public.key file and remove the PEM header and footer, and concatenate the lines of the file into one big line. Then create a TXT entry, like this:

selector1._domainkey IN TXT "k=rsa; t=s; p=MHwwDQYJK ... OprwIDAQAB"

where selector1 is the name of the selector chosen in the last step and the p= parameter contains the public-key as one long string of characters.」

不太理解這個KEY在DNS 伺服器上要怎麼配置?


[火星人 ] Postfix 配置DKIMproxy 關於DNS記錄一個小疑問請指點已經有358次圍觀
