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Nagios:host中contact group無法觸發郵件告警

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-03 , reply:0

Nagios:host中contact group無法觸發郵件告警

Hi 大家好!

我有個nagios環境,有若干個host group,以前都是用admins接受郵件告警,沒有問題。現在想區分告警收件人,所以新建了若干個contact group,每個contact group里有若干contacts。但是我發現在host里分配contact group發現無法成功觸發email告警,一定要在service template定義的contact group才有效。


重讀了官方文檔,看來就是這樣設計的,host contact只負責host故障告警,service contact只負責service告警。
The decision to send out notifications is made in the service check and host check logic. The calculations for whether a notification is to be sent are only triggered when processing a host or service check corresponding to that notification;
Each service definition contains options that determine whether or not notifications can be sent out for warning states, critical states, and recoveries. Similiarly, each host definition contains options that determine whether or not notifications can be sent out when the host goes down, becomes unreachable, or recovers.


[火星人 ] Nagios:host中contact group無法觸發郵件告警已經有659次圍觀
