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Rust 0.3 發布,Mozilla 的編程語言

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-22 , reply:0

Rust 0.3 發布了,Rust 是 Mozilla 目前正在開發一個新的編程語言,由web語言的領軍人物Brendan Eich(js之父),Dave Herman以及Mozilla公司的Graydon Hoare 合力開發。創建這個新語言的目的是為了解決一個很頑疾的問題:軟體的演進速度大大低於硬體的演進,軟體在語言級別上無法真正利用多核計算帶來的性能提升。


Rust 0.3 Changes:

* ~1900 changes, numerous bugfixes
* New coding conveniences
* Integer-literal suffix inference
* Per-item control over warnings, errors
* #[cfg(windows)] and #[cfg(unix)] attributes
* Documentation comments
* More compact closure syntax
* 'do' expressions for treating higher-order functions as
control structures
* *-patterns (wildcard extended to all constructor fields)
* Semantic cleanup
* Name resolution pass and exhaustiveness checker rewritten
* Region pointers and borrow checking supersede alias
* Init-ness checking is now provided by a region-based liveness
pass instead of the typestate pass; same for last-use analysis
* Extensive work on region pointers
* Experimental new language features
* Slices and fixed-size, interior-allocated vectors
* #!-comments for lang versioning, shell execution
* Destructors and iface implementation for classes;
type-parameterized classes and class methods
* 'const' type kind for types that can be used to implement
shared-memory concurrency patterns
* Type reflection
* Removal of various obsolete features
* Keywords: 'be', 'prove', 'syntax', 'note', 'mutable', 'bind',
'crust', 'native' (now 'extern'), 'cont' (now 'again')
* Constructs: do-while loops ('do' repurposed), fn binding,
resources (replaced by destructors)
* Compiler reorganization
* Syntax-layer of compiler split into separate crate
* Clang (from LLVM project) integrated into build
* Typechecker split into sub-modules
* New library code
* New time functions
* Extension methods for many built-in types
* Arc: atomic-refcount read-only / exclusive-use shared cells
* Par: parallel map and search routines
* Extensive work on libuv interface
* Much vector code moved to libraries
* Syntax extensions: #line, #col, #file, #mod, #stringify,
#include, #include_str, #include_bin
* Tool improvements
* Cargo automatically resolves dependencies

Rust 的下載地址:請點這裡


[火星人 ] Rust 0.3 發布,Mozilla 的編程語言已經有672次圍觀
