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SystemRescueCd 1.2.0

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-12 , reply:0

SystemRescueCd是一份可啟動光碟Linux系統,它用於在崩潰后修復系統及數據。它的另一個目標是為在你的計算機上完成管理任務提供方便,例如創建和修改硬碟分區。它包含了大量的系統實用工具(parted、partimage、fstools等)及基本軟體(編輯器、midnight commander,網路工具)。它面向易用性,只要從光碟引導你就可以做任何事情了。其內核支持大多數最重要的文件系統(ext2/ext3、reiserfs、xfs、jfs、vfat、ntfs、iso9660),以及網路系統(samba和nfs)。SystemRescueCd基於Gentoo LiveCd。

François Dupoux has released SystemRescueCd 1.2.0, a Gentoo-based live CD with a collection of hard disk management and data rescue utilities: "SystemRescueCd 1.2.0 has just been released. It's a major release and it comes with a new kernel version, new desktop environment, and update for important packages. First, the graphical environment has been updated. It's now based on X.Org Server 1.5.3, which improves the hardware support and comes with new drivers. The desktop environment is now Xfce, because it's both very good (very comfortable, many settings) and very small. Parts of Xfce which are not essential and which have many dependencies have not been included. The kernel has been updated to version 2.6.29; it comes with more drivers and it also supports the very promising Btrfs file system (still under heavy development). GParted has been updated to 0.4.5." Read the complete release announcement to learn about other major changes in this release. Download: systemrescuecd-x86-1.2.0.iso (234MB, MD5).(責任編輯:A6)

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