歡迎您光臨本站 註冊首頁

BIG FAT WARNING !! Failed to translate the device name into a device id
if you want wo use the current suspend image ,reboot and try again with the sanme
kernel that you suspend from.
If you want to forget tha image ,continue and the image will be erased .
Press SPACE to reboot or C to continue booting will this kernel.
當我選擇 C 之後,又會出現以下英文:
SOFEWARE Suspend 2.1.5: Sorry. location looks invalid.
software supend 2.1.5: Not able to successfully parse this resume device. suspending
software suspend 2.1.5:Missing or invalid storage location(resume2=parameter). Please
corrent and return lilo(or equivalent)before suspending.
VFS: Cannot open a correct "root"=boot option
Kernel panic --not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown---block(0,0).

[火星人 ] 也是按照「紅旗Linux5.0桌面正式版光碟安裝{圖解教程}」安裝出現的問題!急!!!!!!已經有528次圍觀
