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←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-03-09 , reply:0

最近斯諾克威爾士公開賽正在進行,曾有戲言,人生三大快事:看動漫;看奧沙利文147;聽唐sir講oracle;因而一直用RHEL6.0 64位版當桌面使用,為的就是方便學習oracle,但這平常的消遣,娛樂也不能少!包括電影,音樂,遊戲等!因而非常想看在線直播的比賽,研究了一番pps在rhel6上的安裝,這裡採用64位版,32位的安裝方法一致!

http://ylw6006.blog.51cto.com/470441/589964 -- 如何在RHEL6上搞定音樂和視頻播放
http://ylw6006.blog.51cto.com/470441/590534 -- 玩轉RHEL6桌面應用


  1. # cat /etc/yum.repos.d/base.repo
  2. [base]
  3. name=base
  4. baseurl=
  5. enable=1
  6. gpgcheck=0
  7. [dag]
  8. name=dag
  9. baseurl=http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el6/en/x86_64/dag/
  10. enable=1
  11. gpgcheck=0


  1. # wget http://download.ppstream.com/ppstream_1.0.0-1_i386.deb


  1. # wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/alien/alien_8.86.tar.gz
  2. # tar -zxvpf alien_8.86.tar.gz
  3. # cd alien
  4. # ./alien.pl -h
  5. Usage: alien [options] file [...]
  6. file [...] Package file or files to convert.
  7. -d, --to-deb Generate a Debian deb package (default).
  8. Enables these options:
  9. --patch=<patch> Specify patch file to use instead of automatically
  10. looking for patch in /var/lib/alien.
  11. --nopatch Do not use patches.
  12. --anypatch Use even old version os patches.
  13. -s, --single Like --generate, but do not create .orig
  14. directory.
  15. --fixperms Munge/fix permissions and owners.
  16. --test Test generated packages with lintian.
  17. -r, --to-rpm Generate a Red Hat rpm package.
  18. --to-slp Generate a Stampede slp package.

  19. -l, --to-lsb Generate a LSB package.
  20. -t, --to-tgz Generate a Slackware tgz package.
  21. Enables these options:
  22. --description=<desc> Specify package description.
  23. --version=<version> Specify package version.
  24. -p, --to-pkg Generate a Solaris pkg package.
  25. -i, --install Install generated package.
  26. -g, --generate Generate build tree, but do not build package.
  27. -c, --scripts Include scripts in package.
  28. -v, --verbose Display each command alien runs.
  29. --veryverbose Be verbose, and also display output of run commands.
  30. -k, --keep-version Do not change version of generated package.
  31. --bump=number Increment package version by this number.
  32. -h, --help Display this help message.
  33. -V, --version Display alien's version number.
  34. # ./alien.pl -rc ../ppstream_1.0.0-1_i386.deb


  1. # rpm -qa |grep -i pps
  2. PPStream-1.0.0-2.i386
  3. # yum info PPStream
  4. Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, rhnplugin
  5. This system is not registered with RHN.
  6. RHN support will be disabled.
  7. Installed Packages
  8. Name : PPStream
  9. Arch : i386
  10. Version : 1.0.0
  11. Release : 2
  12. Size : 3.3 M
  13. Repo : installed
  14. From repo : /PPStream-1.0.0-2.i386
  15. Summary : PPStream for GNU/Linux Ubuntu 8.04 Distro.
  16. License : see /usr/share/doc/ppstream/copyright
  17. Description:
  18. :
  19. : (Converted from a deb package by alien version unknown.)


  1. # yum -y install *mplayer*
  2. # yum info mplayer
  3. Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, rhnplugin
  4. This system is not registered with RHN.
  5. RHN support will be disabled.
  6. Installed Packages
  7. Name : mplayer
  8. Arch : x86_64
  9. Version : 1.0
  10. Release : 0.47.svn20100703.el6.rf
  11. Size : 11 M
  12. Repo : installed

  13. From repo : /mplayer-1.0-0.47.svn20100703.el6.rf.x86_64
  14. Summary : MPlayer, the Movie Player for Linux
  15. URL : http://mplayerhq.hu/
  16. License : GPL
  17. Description: MPlayer is a multimedia player. It plays most video formats as well as DVDs.
  18. : Its big feature is the wide range of supported output drivers. There are also
  19. : nice antialiased shaded subtitles and OSD.
  20. :
  21. : On x86, additional Win32 binary codecs should be added to /usr/lib64/codecs/.
  22. :
  23. : Available rpmbuild rebuild options :
  24. : --with : dvdread
  25. : --without : aalib lirc cdparanoia arts xvid esd lzo fame caca dvb vstream
  26. : theora osdmenu gcccheck fribidi xvmc x264 faac mpc live ladspa
  27. : amrnb samba speex twolame
  28. [root@rhel6 ~]# yum info smplayer
  29. Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, rhnplugin
  30. This system is not registered with RHN.
  31. RHN support will be disabled.
  32. Installed Packages
  33. Name : smplayer
  34. Arch : x86_64
  35. Version : 0.6.9
  36. Release : 1.el6.rf
  37. Size : 7.4 M
  38. Repo : installed
  39. From repo : dag
  40. Summary : Frontend for mplayer

  41. URL : http://smplayer.berlios.de/
  42. License : GPLv2
  43. Description: SMPlayer intends to be a complete front-end for MPlayer, from basic features
  44. : like playing videos, DVDs, and VCDs to more advanced features like support
  45. : for Mplayer filters and more. One of the main features is the ability to
  46. : remember the state of a played file, so when you play it later it will resume
  47. : at the same point and with the same settings. smplayer is developed with
  48. : the Qt toolkit, so it's multi-platform.


本文出自 「斬月」 博客,謝絕轉載!

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