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Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.3 發布,便捷 CDI 擴展

←手機掃碼閱讀     火星人 @ 2014-09-26 , reply:0

Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.3 發布,此版本是第 11 個版本。

Bug 修復

  • [DELTASPIKE-696] - Remove unneeded dependencies on CDICtrl Servlet

  • [DELTASPIKE-706] - Multiple CDI API versions on classpath in JSF module tests (Weld)

  • [DELTASPIKE-710] - Error using clientWindow and (p|f):ajax

  • [DELTASPIKE-717] - Exception handlers not invoked when @Secured ViewConfig is violated in an app with JSF module without a DefaultErrorView page

  • [DELTASPIKE-719] - Only one voter invoked if multiple voters are applied through a stereotype

  • [DELTASPIKE-723] - Exception bypassing on JSF conversion errors

  • [DELTASPIKE-726] - Lazy window handling doesn't recognize new windows anymore

  • [DELTASPIKE-729] - f:viewAction is executed twice with LAZY window handling mode


  • [DELTASPIKE-692] - workaround for tests which don't use optional classes

  • [DELTASPIKE-699] - Signature relaxing of attribute method() in CriteriaSupport

  • [DELTASPIKE-708] - Veto the AbstractEntityRepository class

  • [DELTASPIKE-712] - BeanManagerProvider : Wrap usage in parent class loaders


  • [DELTASPIKE-702] - Add support to GreaterThan and LessThan in criteria to dates


Apache DeltaSpike 包含一組 JSR-299 (CDI) 擴展,用於構建 Java SE 和 EE 平台的應用程序。

[火星人 ] Apache DeltaSpike 1.0.3 發布,便捷 CDI 擴展已經有1207次圍觀
