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WindPT 0.9.2 RC 發布,PHPWind PT 插件

←手機掃碼閱讀     admin @ 2015-09-17 , reply:0

WindPT 0.9.2 RC 發布,這是 WindPT 的第一個 RC 版本,現已可以部署使用。

0.9.2 rc 包含的主要功能如下:

  • Private Tracker

  • 增加一種帖子類型:種子貼

  • 標題生成器

  • 種子文件內容檢查

  • 歷史統計

  • 自定義積分

  • 客戶端 UA 限制

  • RSS 訂閱

更多內容請查看 GitHub 項目頁面


A plugin for PHPWind 9 to build a private BitTorrent tracker.

This project is still in early stage, DO NOT use it on production environment, pull requests are welcome.

If you find any bugs or mistakes, please let me know by submitting issues or making pull requests.

You should create a directory named torrent with mask 0755 under the root of PHPWind manually if php have no permission to write.

|- cron                            // cron job [put in PHPWind/src/service/cron/srv/do]
|  |- PwCronDoClearPeers.php
|  |- PwCronDoClearTorrents.php
|  =
|- extensions
|  |- torrent <dir>                // extension [put in PHPWind/src/extensions/]
|  =
|- themes_site
|  |- pt <dir>                     // theme [put in PHPWind/themes/site/]
=  =

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